Friday Facts - 9/21/18


Fri, Sept 21st                            Progress Reports Released

Tues, Sept 25th                       Lunch Menus Due

Wed, Sept 26th                        See You at the Pole 7:20 AM

Sat, Sept 29th                          LCA Annual Golf Tournament

Wed, Oct 3rd                           Noon Dismissal

Sat, Oct 13th                            Work Day 9:00 AM – approx. 2:00 PM



Progress Reports – Progress Reports are now available.  To access your child’s report, log into  Click on the Academics tab (at the top), click Report Card, and then click View under Progress (on the left side).

Golf Tournament – We need your help to make this event a success. Please use the attached informational flyer to help us advertise the LCA Golf Tournament. Share it with your friends, neighbors and businesses you frequent. For more information, see separate email.

Modern Woodmen Speech Winners – Congratulations Jenna Grow (1st place), Enoch Schloeman (2nd place), and Alexa Moss (3rd place)!!

Spirit Wear – We are now taking orders for Spirit Wear.  Go to the school’s website ( to place your order.  Orders are due by Monday, October 1st and will be ready to pick up at Parent/Teacher conferences.  THIS WILL BE OUR LAST ORDER UNTIL SPRING!!

See You at the Pole—Come join LCA students and staff this Wednesday, the 26th at 7:20 AM as we gather around the flag pole to pray for our country, state, community and school.

Save the date - A Father/Daughter Dance will be held Friday, October 19th. The theme is “Boots ‘n Bling.” Tickets are available in the school office. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

The Box Tops competition has begun!  THANK YOU for such a great start!  The students who brought the most in Box Tops for their class are Joel Johnson, Brinley Kayser, Everett Atchison, Emerley Atchison, Michael Vaclavik, Reiley Atchison, Landon McCarthy, Raelee Bruno, Abby Kientzy, Enoch Schloeman, Cameron Hart, and Jenna Grow.  The 11th and 12th graders are in the lead!!

