Friday Facts - 10/18/19


Fri, Oct 18th                                         NO SCHOOL – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Mon, Oct 21st                                      Home Volleyball Games – Senior Night

Fri, Oct 25th                                         NO SCHOOL – Joplin Tournament

Wed, Nov 6th                                      Noon Dismissal – Professional Development

Sat, Nov 16th                                       Dinner Theatre



Congratulations to our students who earned Honor Roll for the 1st Quarter. 

Stats – We are looking for parents who would be willing to keeps stats for our sport teams.  You can earn service hours for this time.  If you are interested in helping in this area, please contact Butch Clark at

Canned Food Drive – We are collecting canned/dry goods for our annual Canned Food Drive with the Wright City Firefighters which runs through the end of October.  All food collected will go to the Wright City Food Pantry.   Remember, the class that brings in the most canned items wins a pizza party and a dodgeball game with the firefighters!   

Service Hours – We are requiring our 7th – 12th Grade students to do half of their service hours by Christmas break.  Students will be required to stay December 18th – 19th to complete required hours.  REMINDER – STUDENTS IN 7TH & 8TH GRADES MUST COMPLETE 10 SERVICE HOURS AND STUDENTS IN 9TH – 12TH GRADES MUST COMPLETE 20 SERVICE HOURS BY THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR.  Half of those hours may be done outside LCA.

STUCO is collecting candy as a community outreach for Warrenton’s Trunk or Treat. If you would like to donate bags of candy for this event, please label “STUCO” and send to the office by Thursday, October 24th.

The 7-12 English classes are raising funds to send to Samaritan’s Purse to help in the following ways:

7-10th grade classes are raising funds to share in a classroom build, while 11-12th voted to raise funds to Samaritan’s Purse Human Trafficking fund. Funds will be collected until a time in November when we will send the money raised to Samaritan’s Purse.

Please see the attached information about a Bingo and Chili Cook-off Contest to be held on November 1st.  The money raised with go towards Juvenile Diabetes.

Don’t forget to turn in those Box Tops!!


