Friday Facts - 5/17/19


Sat, May 18th                                      Graduation at Faith Christian Family Church at 2 PM

Tues, May 21st – Thur, May 23rd        Finals and Noon Dismissal for 7th – 11th Grades ONLY

Tues, May 21st                                            Last Day for Kindergarten and PreK

                                                            Elementary Field Day and Talent Show

                                                            7th – 12th Grade Students Service Hours Due

                                                            Kindergarten Graduation in Great Room at 6 PM

Fri, May 24th                                       Awards Program, Last Day of School, 10 AM Dismissal

Wed, Aug 14th                                    1st Day of School



The staff would like to thank our LCA families and the AWESOME PTO for making our Teacher/Staff feel extremely appreciated last week.

We have a few open teaching positions for next year.  If you know someone who is interested in teaching at LCA, please have him/her send resumes to Mrs. Wilgus at  Thanks for helping us spread the word!

Yearbook – Please see the attached order form for this year’s Talon, yearbook.  A copy of this form was also sent home with your child.

Field Day for PreK – 6th Grades will be Tuesday, May 21st, starting with a picnic lunch at 11:45 AM.  The Talent Show will begin around 2:00 PM.

Just a reminder, 7th – 12th Grade Students need to complete ALL service hours by May 21st.

7th -  11th Grade Finals – Finals for 7th – 11th grade students are Tuesday, May 21st – Thursday, May 23rd. 

·         Tuesday - students will take finals for their 3rd, 5th, and 7th hour classes and dismiss at noon. 

·         Wednesday - students will take finals for their 2nd, 4th, and 6th hour classes and dismiss at noon

·         Thursday - students will have Chapel, take their Bible final, and complete year-end responsibilities and dismiss at noon.

If service hours have not been completed, students will need to stay after school; please pack your child a lunch.
