Friday Facts - 3/6/2020


Wed, March 11th                                End of 3rd Quarter

Fri, March 13th                                   LCA’s Spelling Bee

Thurs, March 19th                             NOON DISMISSAL – NO AFTERCARE (Parent/Teacher Conferences)

Fri, March 20th                                   NO SCHOOL – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Wed, March 25th-31st                      Terra Nova Testing


We will be having school Monday, April 13th as a snow make-up day. Please adjust your school calendar.

Enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year has begun!  Parents/students are our best advertisement. Don’t forget the $250 (1st child), $125 (additional child) referral bonus for newly enrolled families you refer.

Service Hours – Reminder for 7th – 12th Grade students, all service hours need to be completed by May 15th. Students in 7th - 8th grades need 10 hours and students in 9th – 12th grades need to complete 20 hours.

Terra Nova 3 Testing – LCA will be administering the TN3 tests to grades 3rd-6th, 3/25-31 in the mornings. Students in 7th-10th grades will be testing on 3/30 & 31. Please make every effort to have your child in attendance and avoid scheduling morning appointments during this time. Thank you.

The auction is on the horizon and there are donations ready for pickupNew items are being added daily.  To meet this need, please sign up here - Signup_Auction_Donation_Pickup.

Snack Squad – Fifth Grade has opened a snack business to accompany their study on economics. The students will be selling snacks in the morning from 7:30 till 7:50 AM. Items are priced $ .25 to $1.00.
