Friday Facts (on a Thursday) - 6/25/2020


Tues, Aug 11th                                 ALL SPORTS Parent Meeting - Required

Mon, Aug 17th                                  Meet & Greet

Wed, Aug 19th                                  1st Day of School


We have the following openings for the Fall:

Elementary teachers

High School Science/Math teacher


Part-time Kitchen

If interested, please send a resume to Mrs. Wilgus at

Summer Office Hours – The office will be open 8:30 – 3:30 Monday – Thursday through the month of June.

FACTS - It is time to set up FACTS payment plans.  If you need assistance changing your payment plan, please contact Mrs. Schloeman.

Golf Tournament Fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, October 3rd.  This tournament helps to offset our Flexible Tuition Program.  We need some help to organize this event.  If you are able to help, please contact the office.

Open Gym has started for 7th – 12th graders interested in participating in basketball this year.  Boys basketball will be on Monday nights 5:30 pm until 7:00 pm.  Girls basketball will be on Tuesday nights from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm starting July 7th.  These workouts are not mandatory, but we do believe they are important for skill development and so encourage our students interested to attend.  Boys can contact Tanner Meyer and girls can contact Butch Clark for more information.

Amazon Smile – Please remember to use Amazon Smile as a way to support LCA when you order through Amazon.  LCA receives a portion of the sales.  Please pass the word along to family members!

