Mon, Aug 22....................... Hot Lunch Program Begins
Mon, Sept 5......................... NO SCHOOL – Labor Day
Wed, Sept 7........................ Noon Dismissal – Staff Professional Development
Wed, Sept 14...................... Picture Day
Thu, Sept 15....................... Open Board Meeting
Sat, Oct 1............................. LCA Golf Tournament
Hot Lunch – The hot lunch program begins this Monday. Lunches are $3 and are prepaid through your FACTS account. Charges are billed each Monday for the previous week. Lunch menus can be found on your Parent Portal.
Golf Tournament – Golf tournament preparations are in full swing and we need your help!
1. Use the linked flyer or website link to solicit sponsorships from the businesses you frequent.
2. Gather your friends and sign up a team.
3. Watch your email for more opportunities to help.
Service Hour Opportunities:
Lunch program: Mrs. James needs helpers for our Hot Lunch program which begins Monday. This is a really fun way to complete your family service hours. Use the link above to sign up for a specific day or contact Mrs. James at if you are willing to volunteer on a regular basis.
Reminder – Just a reminder for returning families to update any changes in phone numbers or addresses with the school office so we can contact you in case of an emergency.
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 NLT