Friday Facts 1/17/25


Mon, Jan 20…………………………..….. NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Fri, Jan 24……………………….….….…. PINK OUT GAME & Senior Night
Sat, Feb 1………………..……….….….…. Continuous Enrollment begins
Weds, Feb 5……………………….…..…. NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD
Fri, Feb 7…………………………….……... PTO Pizza Lunch Fundraiser
Weds, Feb 12……………………..….…... Athletes leave for Joplin (after school)
Thurs, Feb 13…………….……….……… NOON DISMISSAL - Joplin 
Fri, Feb 14………………………….………. NO SCHOOL - Joplin 
Mon, Feb 17……….………………….….. NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day
Fri, April 4……………………….……….. SAVE THE DATE – “Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction


CALENDAR CHANGE - Due to the number of snow days we had last week, May 27-29th will now be full days of school.  These three days were previously scheduled to be half days, but we are making this change in an attempt to avoid having to add days at the end of the year. 

Pink Out Fundraiser - All proceeds from LCA’s PINK OUT games will go to an LCA family battling cancer. STUCO will be selling “Pink Links”, 10 links for $1, and other pink-themed items for $1.  The “Pink Links” will be paper chains displayed in the school gymnasium so the students can watch as their class chain grows each day.  These items can be purchased each morning before school.  The last day to buy the “pink” items will be Friday, January 24th.

In support of Cancer awareness, we will also have a STUCO sponsored, “Color Spirit Week.” Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, students will be allowed to participate by wearing the specified color of the day! Students are allowed to be out of unified dress if they are participating in the spirit day!  STUCO will also be doing face paint each morning during color week.

  • 1/21-Tuesday: Blue

  • 1/22-Wednesday: Purple

  • 1/23-Thursday: Green

  • 1/24-Friday: Pink or Pink out shirt!

We hope to see everyone wearing the designated colors on the assigned days and supporting the cause by purchasing the pink-themed items.

Noon Dismissal - Wednesday, Feb. 5th and Thurs Feb. 13th are noon dismissal days for all students.  There will be no hot lunch that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care.

Open Position - LCA has an opening for a full-time nurse.  To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

Side by Side Raffle - We are getting closer to our goal of selling 400 tickets, but we still need your help!  Please keep passing the word about this raffle!  Our goal is to create a safe and secure covered walkway between the 2 buildings.  If you would like a few raffle tickets to sell, please stop by the athletic office to pick them up.

Dinner Auction -  Please click this link to see what is needed and to sign up for individual items:  Auction Baskets - SignUp .  If you would like to earn service hours, please send an email to for more information and instructions on how to help.  We appreciate everyone’s help with the auction!

2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar available HERE 

 Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Next Week in Sports - 

  • Tues, 1/21 - AWAY at Mississippi Valley - Varsity Girls at 5:30, Varsity Boys at 7:00 PM

  • Thurs, 1/23 - AWAY at Maryville Christian - Varsity Girls at 4:30, JV Boys at 6:00, Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM

  • Fri, 1/24 - HOME vs. Rivers of Live - Varsity Girls at 5:30, Varsity Boys at 7:00

  • Sat, 1/25 - HOME CBA Games - JV Girls at 9:00 AM, 6th-8th Boys at 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM, JV Boys at 11:00 AM

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.  2 Corinthians 5:17