Friday Facts 3/7/25

Sat, Mar 8…………………………….………….. Winter Sports Awards 6:00 PM
Tues, Mar 11………………………………...…. Spring ACT Testing
Weds, Mar 12……………………..………….…LCA Science Fair
Fri, Mar 14………………………………………. NOON DISMISSAL
Sat, Mar 15…..………………..…………….….. Neon Night – 7th & 8th Grade
Fri, Mar 21…………………………..…….……. Annual Spelling Bee – 3rd - 8th Grade
Mon-Fri, Mar 24-28……………….…..….. Spring Break - No School
Weds, Apr 2…………………………….….…... NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD 
Fri, Apr 4…………..……..…………….……..….“Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction
Sat, Apr 12………………..………….…….…… Senior Prom
Sat, Jun 7…………………………….…..………. SAVE THE DATE - 20th Anniversary Family Celebration


Reminder - Due to the recent calendar changes, Thurs, Mar 13, will be a full day of school.
Fri, Mar 14, will be a noon dismissal.  There will be no aftercare available on Fri, Mar 14. 

Science Fair -  The Annual LCA Science Fair will take place on Wednesday, Mar 12.  Judging will occur between 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM on Wednesday.  Awards will be given at the opening on Mar 13.  Public viewing will be held from 1:00 PM - 7:30 PM on Thurs, Mar 13 and from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM on Friday Mar 14.

Neon Night - The Senior class of 2025 would like to invite all 7th & 8th grade students to our annual “Neon Night!” on Sat, Mar. 15, from 6-9 PM in the LCA cafeteria.  See the attached flyer for details.  Tickets may be purchased online by clicking here:  Neon Night Tickets

Annual Spelling Bee - We are excited to announce that Liberty Christian Academy will be hosting our Annual Spelling Bee on Fri, Mar. 21, for 3rd - 8th graders.  Parents are welcome to attend and cheer on our brilliant students!  We look forward to crowning our Spelling Bee champions.  

2024-25 One Page Calendar (Updated) - HERE

Open Positions - LCA is seeking a School Counselor for the 2025-26 school year.  If you have a passion for guiding students academically, emotionally, and spiritually in a Christ-centered environment, we would love to hear from you.  Contact Mr. Smith at if you have any questions.  To apply, please complete the Teacher Application found on our website.  

We also have an opening for a full-time nurse.  To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

Dinner Auction - It’s time to buy your auction tickets!  Follow this link to purchase your tickets and while you’re there, explore our Auction Homepage. We are still in need of donations (see below).  Please bring all donations to school by Friday, 3/21/25.

Side by Side Raffle - Please help us sell the remaining raffle tickets so we can draw the winner!    The proceeds from this raffle will go to help create a safe and secure covered walkway between the 2 buildings.  

Next Week in Sports - 

  • The Winter Sports Awards ceremony will take place on Sat. Mar. 8, at 6:00 PM in the High School cafeteria.

  • Tues, 3/11 - HOME Game vs. Mid MO Soccer Club - Game time 5:00 PM. 

  • Thurs, 3/13 - AWAY Game @ Crosspoint Christian School - Game time 4:30 PM.

  • Fri, 3/14 - AWAY Game @ CAGSL - Game time 4:30 PM.

PLEASE NOTE:  The home field for soccer is the Warrenton Athletic Complex on Hickory Lick Rd.

SAVE THE DATE - We hope you will join us for our 20th Anniversary Family Celebration on June 7, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  We will have food & games, fellowship and lots of fun for the whole family!

Keep putting into practice all that you learned and received from me - everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9 NLT


Friday Facts 2/28/25


Weds, Mar 5…………………………….…… NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD 
Fri, Mar 7…….……………………..……….. PTO Pizza
Sat, Mar 8………………………………..….. Winter Sports Awards 6:00 PM
Tues, Mar 11……………………………..…. Spring ACT Testing
Fri, Mar 14…………………………….….…. NOON DISMISSAL
Sat, Mar 15…..………………………...……. Neon Night – 7th & 8th Grade
Fri, Mar 21………………………..…………. Annual Spelling Bee
Mon-Fri, Mar 24-28……………….…. Spring Break - No School
Fri, April 4……………………….….……….“Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction
Sat, Jun 7……………………….…….……… SAVE THE DATE - 20th Anniversary Family Celebration


Noon Dismissal - Wednesday, Mar 5th is a noon dismissal for all students.  There will be no hot lunch served that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care. 

Neon Night - The Senior class of 2025 would like to invite all 7th & 8th grade students to our annual “Neon Night!” on Sat, Mar. 15, from 6-9 PM in the LCA cafeteria.  See the attached flyer for details.  Tickets may be purchased online by clicking here:  Neon Night Tickets

Annual Spelling Bee - We are excited to announce that Liberty Christian Academy will be hosting our Annual Spelling Bee on Fri, Mar. 21, for 3rd - 8th graders.  Parents are welcome to attend and cheer on our brilliant students!  We look forward to crowning our Spelling Bee champions.  

Reminder - Due to the recent calendar changes, Thurs, Mar 13, will be a full day of school.  Fri, Mar 14, will be a noon dismissal.   2024-25 One Page Calendar (Updated) - HERE

Open Positions - LCA is seeking a School Counselor for the 2025-26 school year.  If you have a passion for guiding students academically, emotionally, and spiritually in a Christ-centered environment, we would love to hear from you.  Contact Mr. Smith at if you have any questions.  To apply, please complete the Teacher Application found on our website.  

We also have an opening for a full-time nurse and a substitute nurse.  To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

SAVE THE DATE - We hope you will join us for our 20th Anniversary Family Celebration on June 7, 2025 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.  

Dinner Auction - It’s time to buy your auction tickets!  Follow this link to purchase your tickets and while you’re there, explore our Auction Homepage.  Ready to jump in?  Reach out to to see how you can help.  Donations are still needed. 

Side by Side Raffle - Please help us sell the remaining raffle tickets so we can draw the winner!    The proceeds from this raffle will go to help create a safe and secure covered walkway between the 2 buildings.  

Next Week in Sports

  • Fri, 3/7 - Girls Soccer - AWAY game at Crosspoint - Game time 4:30 PM

  • The Winter Sports Awards ceremony will take place on Sat. Mar. 8, at 6:00 PM in the High School cafeteria.

This is my command - be strong and courageous!  Do not be afraid or discouraged.  For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.    Joshua 1:9 NLT


Friday Facts 2/21/25

Tues, Feb 25……………………………………. Spring Pictures (Kindergarten Graduation & Sports)
Thurs, Feb 27…………….…………………… Board Meeting - Annual Parent Meeting
Weds, Mar 5……………………….……..…… Noon Dismissal - Teacher PD 
Fri, Mar 7…….……………..………………….. PTO Pizza
Sat, Mar 8…………………………..………….. Winter Sports Awards
Sat, Mar 15…..…………………………..……. Neon Night – 7th & 8th Grade
Tues, Mar 11………………………….…….…. Spring ACT Testing
Fri, Mar 14………………………………….…. NOON DISMISSAL
Fri, Mar 21………………………………….…. Annual Spelling Bee
Mon-Fri, Mar 24-28………………….… Spring Break - No School
Fri, April 4……………………….………….… SAVE THE DATE – “Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction


Calendar Changes - Due to the recent days off for sickness and inclement weather, we have had to make a few changes to the school calendar.  A copy of the updated calendar is attached.  

  • Thurs, Mar 13 will be a full day of school 

  • Fri, Mar 14 will be a noon dismissal 

  • Weds, Apr 30 will be a full day of school

  • Tues-Thurs, May 27-29 will be full days of school  

Spring Pictures - Spring pictures are your chance to show your personality.  LCA Unified Dress is not required.  Please note that this picture day includes individual spring pictures, sports teams and individuals, and kindergarten graduation pictures.

Annual Parent Meeting – Please plan to attend this important meeting on Thursday, Feb 27th at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria to hear the latest happenings at LCA, as well as the vision for LCA’s future.  A number of important items pertaining to the 2025-2026 school year will be discussed at this open board meeting. 

Senior Missions T-Shirt Fundraiser – Orders are due on March 1st.  See the linked flier for more information, or click HERE to order.

Noon Dismissal - Wednesday, Mar 5th is a noon dismissal for all students.  There will be no hot lunch served that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care. 

Service Opportunity - We are in dire need of assistance in replacing/repairing the guttering on the west side of the main building that was damaged during the January snow storms.  If you have the skills, expertise, or contacts to make this happen, please contact Dr. Jim Kerr ( or Mr. Smith immediately to discuss how you can help.

Open Positions - LCA is seeking a School Counselor for the 2025-26 school year.  If you have a passion for guiding students academically, emotionally, and spiritually in a Christ-centered environment, we would love to hear from you.  Contact Mr. Smith at if you have any questions.  To apply, please complete the Teacher Application found on our website.  

We also have an opening for a full-time nurse and a substitute nurse.  To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

Dinner Auction - It’s time to buy your auction tickets!  Follow this link to purchase your tickets and while you’re there, explore our Auction Homepage.  Ready to jump in?  Reach out to to see how you can help.  Donations are still needed. 

Side by Side Raffle - Please help us sell the remaining raffle tickets so we can draw the winner!    The proceeds from this raffle will go to help create a safe and secure covered walkway between the 2 buildings.  

2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar - HERE

Next Week in Sports

  • Track and field practices will begin on Mon, Feb 24.  Students should meet in the gym at 3:30 pm.  We will end each day at the old Wright City High School building at 520 Westwoods Road at 5:30 pm.   Click HERE for more detailed information.

  • We are in need of one more assistant track coach for the upcoming season.  No track or coaching experience is required to fulfill this service.  Even if you can help a couple of days per week that would be amazing!  Mr. Smith will coordinate and plan all workouts if desired.

Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7 NLT


Friday Facts 2/7/25

Weds, Feb 12………….………….…….. Athletes leave for Joplin (after school)
Thurs, Feb 13…………………………… NOON DISMISSAL - Joplin 
Fri, Feb 14………………………………. NO SCHOOL - Joplin 
Mon, Feb 17…………………………….. NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day
Fri, Feb 22………………………………. 20th Anniversary Alumni Basketball Game
Tues, Feb 25……………………………. Spring Pictures (Kindergarten Graduation & Sports)
Thurs, Feb 27…………………………… Board Meeting - Annual Parent Meeting
Weds, Mar 5………………………..…… Noon Dismissal - Teacher PD 
Weds, Mar 7…………………………….. PTO Pizza
Tues, Mar 11……………………………. Spring ACT Testing
Fri, April 4……………………...………..SAVE THE DATE – “Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction


Noon Dismissal -  Thurs Feb. 13th is a noon dismissal for all students.  There will be no hot lunch that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care.  They must be registered by the Tuesday before.  

Heartgrams - Our Seniors will be selling heartgrams in the morning before school for a couple more days.  Orders will be delivered to the child’s classroom on Wednesday, 2/12.  Click here for the order form:  Heartgrams

Alumni Basketball Games - Please join us on Saturday, February 22nd, for our 20th Anniversary Alumni Games!  Games will start at 5:30 PM.  After the games, we hope you can stay for a Pizza Party in the new cafeteria.  Alumni who RSVP to Gina Nelsen by Friday the 14th will receive a special 20th Anniversary long-sleeve shirt.  Come relive the glory days, reconnect with friends, and celebrate 20 years of God’s faithfulness at LCA! 

Spring Track & Field - We are in need of one additional assistant track coach for the upcoming track season.  You do not need to have track coaching experience to fulfill this service, and even if you can help a couple of days per week that would be amazing.  This position would mostly oversee the distance runners, encouraging them and tracking their progress.  Mr. Smith will coordinate and plan all workouts if desired.  Be on the lookout for a separate email from the Athletic Dept. with specific information for athletes, such as practice times, fees, etc. 

Service Opportunity - During January’s snow storm, the guttering on the west side of the main building ripped apart from the building and collapsed (see attached photos).  We are in dire need of assistance in replacing/repairing this area.  If you have the skills, expertise, or contacts to make this happen, please contact Dr. Jim Kerr ( or Mr. Smith immediately to discuss how you can help.  This is a great opportunity to serve the school!

Dinner Auction -  We are less than 60 days away from our Raising Warriors Dinner Auction and the shelves are bare.  The auction is one of our main fundraisers and we need your help to make it a success.  The auction committee is challenging all students, parents, alumni and friends of LCA to help us get sponsorships and donations for the dinner auction on April 4th.  They will be awarding prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.  

Side by Side Raffle - The proceeds from this raffle will go to help create a safe and secure covered walkway between the 2 buildings.  Please help us sell the remaining raffle tickets so we can draw the winner!    

Open Positions - LCA is seeking a School Counselor for the 2025-26 school year.  If you have a passion for guiding students academically, emotionally, and spiritually in a Christ-centered environment, we would love to hear from you.  For more details check out the attached job description.  Contact Mr. Smith at if you have any questions.  To apply, please complete the Teacher Application found on our website.  

We also have an opening for a full-time nurse, and we could also use substitute nurses.  To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar available HERE 

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Next Week in Sports - 

  • The Varsity basketball teams will leave for the MCSAA State Tournament in Joplin on Wednesday, 2/12, right after dismissal.  Please pray for safe travels for our athletes, coaches, and family members.


But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.  Romans 5:8


Friday Facts 1/31/25


Sat, Feb 1……………………..……….…. Continuous Enrollment begins
Weds, Feb 5………………………….…. NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD
                    …..…………..………… 100th Day of School
Fri, Feb 7…………………………………. PTO Pizza Lunch Fundraiser
Weds, Feb 12…………………………... Athletes leave for Joplin (after school)
Thurs, Feb 13………………………..… NOON DISMISSAL - Joplin 
Fri, Feb 14……………………..……..…. NO SCHOOL - Joplin 
Mon, Feb 17…………………….…..….. NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day
Tues, Feb 25…………………….…..…. Spring Pictures
Thurs, Feb 27………………………..… Board Meeting - Annual Parent Meeting
Fri, April 4……………………….………. SAVE THE DATE – “Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction


Open Positions - LCA is seeking a School Counselor for the 2025-26 school year.  If you have a passion for guiding students academically, emotionally, and spiritually in a Christ-centered environment, we would love to hear from you.  For more details check out the attached job description.  Contact Mr. Smith at if you have any questions.  To apply, please complete the Teacher Application found on our website.  

We also have an opening for a full-time nurse, and we could use subs for the nurse position as well. To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

Noon Dismissal - Wednesday, Feb. 5th and Thurs Feb. 13th are noon dismissal days for all students.  There will be no hot lunch that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care.  They must be registered by the Tuesday before.  

Heartgrams - Our Seniors will be selling Heartgrams beginning Monday, 2/3.  Students will have the opportunity to purchase items each morning during class time.  If parents would like to order, you can pay with cash, check (to LCA) or Venmo: @Seniors_LCA.  Orders will be delivered to the child’s classroom on Wednesday, 2/12.  Click here for the order form:  Heartgrams

Alumni Basketball Games - Please join us on Saturday, February 22nd, for our 20th Anniversary Alumni Games!  Games will start at 5:30 PM.  After the games, we hope you can stay for a Pizza Party in the new cafeteria.  Alumni who RSVP to Gina Nelsen by Friday the 14th will receive a special 20th Anniversary long-sleeve shirt.  Come relive the glory days, reconnect with friends, and celebrate 20 years of God’s faithfulness at LCA! 

Dinner Auction -  We are just 63 days away from the LCA Auction 2025!  So far, we have received 54 donations, but we need 300+ donations to make this event a success.  The auction is one of our main fundraisers and we need your help to make it amazing. Please e-mail if you have any questions or are interested in helping. As a thank-you for your time, you’ll receive service hours for your involvement.

  • Sign up for BASKET DONATIONS here. 

  • Join our solicitation team – All you need is a flyer, which you can pick up at the office.

  • Get sponsors for the auction – help us find local businesses or individuals to support the cause.

  • Promote ticket sales by sharing this link: AUCTION TICKETS.

  • Attend our next meeting on Sunday, February 9th at 2 pm in the cafeteria – we’d love to see you there!

Side by Side Raffle - Please continue to pass the word about this raffle.  We need your help selling the remainder of the raffle tickets!  Our goal is to create a safe and secure covered walkway between the 2 buildings.  

2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar available HERE 

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Next Week in Sports - 

  • Sat, 2/1 - HOME CBA Games - 6th-8th Boys at 9:00 AM, JV Boys at 10:00 AM. JV Girls at 11:00 AM

  • Our Varsity basketball teams will be playing in the MAC Tournament next week. Game dates/times have not yet been determined.    

 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my righteous right hand.  Isaiah 41:10


Friday Facts 1/24/25


Fri, Jan 24…………………………….…. PINK OUT GAME & Senior Night
Sat, Feb 1…………………..………….…. Continuous Enrollment begins
Weds, Feb 5………………………….…. NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD
            …..…………………..…… 100th Day of School
Fri, Feb 7…………………….…………... PTO Pizza Lunch Fundraiser
Weds, Feb 12…………………………... Athletes leave for Joplin (after school)
Thurs, Feb 13……….……………..….. NOON DISMISSAL - Joplin 
Fri, Feb 14…………….…………………. NO SCHOOL - Joplin 
Mon, Feb 17………….……………..….. NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day
Tues, Feb 25………….……………..…. Spring Pictures
Thurs, Feb 27……….………………… Board Meeting - Annual Parent Meeting
Fri, April 4…………….………….…….. SAVE THE DATE – “Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction


Pink Out Fundraiser - We hope that you can join us tonight for a special evening of LCA Basketball and fellowship.  Tonight is LCA’s Annual PINK OUT game and Senior Night.  The Varsity Girls will get the evening started at 5:30 pm.  We will also be recognizing our Senior athletes tonight.  PINK OUT shirts are available to order online.  The cost is $20, and all proceeds will go to an LCA family battling cancer.  Click here to order:  Pink Out Shirt Orders  

Noon Dismissal - Wednesday, Feb. 5th and Thurs Feb. 13th are noon dismissal days for all students.  There will be no hot lunch that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care.  They must be registered by the Tuesday before.  

Open Position - LCA has an opening for a full-time nurse.  To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

Side by Side Raffle - We need your help selling the remainder of the raffle tickets!  Please keep passing the word about this raffle!  Our goal is to create a safe and secure covered walkway between the 2 buildings.

Dinner Auction -  Please click this link to see what is needed and to sign up for individual items:  Auction Baskets - SignUp .  If you would like to earn service hours, please send an email to for more information and instructions on how to help.  We appreciate everyone’s help with the auction!

2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar available HERE 

 Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Next Week in Sports - 

  • Mon, 1/27 - AWAY at Victory Christian Academy - Varsity Girls at 4:30, Varsity Boys at 6:00 PM

  • Tues, 1/28, - AWAY at Mississippi Valley - Varsity Girls at 5:00, Varsity Boys at 6:30 PM

  • Thurs, 1/30 - HOME games vs. Missouri Military Academy- JV Boys at 6:00, Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM

  • Sat, 2/1 - HOME CBA Games - 6th-8th Boys at 9:00 AM, JV Boys at 10:00 AM. JV Girls at 11:00 AM, 

 Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters:  You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.  James 1:19 NLT


Friday Facts 1/17/25


Mon, Jan 20…………………………..….. NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Fri, Jan 24……………………….….….…. PINK OUT GAME & Senior Night
Sat, Feb 1………………..……….….….…. Continuous Enrollment begins
Weds, Feb 5……………………….…..…. NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD
Fri, Feb 7…………………………….……... PTO Pizza Lunch Fundraiser
Weds, Feb 12……………………..….…... Athletes leave for Joplin (after school)
Thurs, Feb 13…………….……….……… NOON DISMISSAL - Joplin 
Fri, Feb 14………………………….………. NO SCHOOL - Joplin 
Mon, Feb 17……….………………….….. NO SCHOOL - Presidents Day
Fri, April 4……………………….……….. SAVE THE DATE – “Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction


CALENDAR CHANGE - Due to the number of snow days we had last week, May 27-29th will now be full days of school.  These three days were previously scheduled to be half days, but we are making this change in an attempt to avoid having to add days at the end of the year. 

Pink Out Fundraiser - All proceeds from LCA’s PINK OUT games will go to an LCA family battling cancer. STUCO will be selling “Pink Links”, 10 links for $1, and other pink-themed items for $1.  The “Pink Links” will be paper chains displayed in the school gymnasium so the students can watch as their class chain grows each day.  These items can be purchased each morning before school.  The last day to buy the “pink” items will be Friday, January 24th.

In support of Cancer awareness, we will also have a STUCO sponsored, “Color Spirit Week.” Beginning Tuesday, January 21st, students will be allowed to participate by wearing the specified color of the day! Students are allowed to be out of unified dress if they are participating in the spirit day!  STUCO will also be doing face paint each morning during color week.

  • 1/21-Tuesday: Blue

  • 1/22-Wednesday: Purple

  • 1/23-Thursday: Green

  • 1/24-Friday: Pink or Pink out shirt!

We hope to see everyone wearing the designated colors on the assigned days and supporting the cause by purchasing the pink-themed items.

Noon Dismissal - Wednesday, Feb. 5th and Thurs Feb. 13th are noon dismissal days for all students.  There will be no hot lunch that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care.

Open Position - LCA has an opening for a full-time nurse.  To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

Side by Side Raffle - We are getting closer to our goal of selling 400 tickets, but we still need your help!  Please keep passing the word about this raffle!  Our goal is to create a safe and secure covered walkway between the 2 buildings.  If you would like a few raffle tickets to sell, please stop by the athletic office to pick them up.

Dinner Auction -  Please click this link to see what is needed and to sign up for individual items:  Auction Baskets - SignUp .  If you would like to earn service hours, please send an email to for more information and instructions on how to help.  We appreciate everyone’s help with the auction!

2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar available HERE 

 Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Next Week in Sports - 

  • Tues, 1/21 - AWAY at Mississippi Valley - Varsity Girls at 5:30, Varsity Boys at 7:00 PM

  • Thurs, 1/23 - AWAY at Maryville Christian - Varsity Girls at 4:30, JV Boys at 6:00, Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM

  • Fri, 1/24 - HOME vs. Rivers of Live - Varsity Girls at 5:30, Varsity Boys at 7:00

  • Sat, 1/25 - HOME CBA Games - JV Girls at 9:00 AM, 6th-8th Boys at 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM, JV Boys at 11:00 AM

 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.  2 Corinthians 5:17


Friday Facts 12/20/24


Mon, Dec 23 - Fri, Jan 3….……………………….. Christmas Break
Mon, Dec 23 - Fri, Jan 10……………..………..… Spirit Wear Online Store Open
Sat, Jan 4……………………………………………..…….. AWAY Game - Varsity Boys at Bourbon High School
Mon, Jan 6……………………………………………….... NO SCHOOL - Teacher PD (all day)
Mon, Jan 6……………………..……….…………………. AWAY Game - Varsity Girls at Bourbon High School
Tues, Jan 7………..………………………….…..….….… Students return to school
Fri, Jan 17…………….…………….…………………….… PTO Pizza
Mon, Jan 20………………….…….………….………….. NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Fri, April 4…………………………….……..…..……….. SAVE THE DATE – “Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction


Open Position - LCA has an opening for a full-time nurse. To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

Spirit Wear Orders - The online store will be open December 23 - January 10, 2025.  Click HERE to order.  Orders will be distributed at school late January.  Please call Mike at Admark with any questions:  636-887-4870

Dinner Auction -  Please click on this link to see what is needed and to sign up for individual items for the class baskets. Auction Baskets - SignUp

If you would like to earn service hours, please email for more information and instructions on how to help.  We are so grateful for your help with the auction!

Side by Side Raffle - We are just over halfway to our goal of selling 400 tickets.  Please keep passing the word about this raffle!  If you would like a few raffle tickets to sell, please stop by the athletic office to pick them up.

2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar available HERE 

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Home Basketball Games - 

  • Fri 12/20 - vs. STL Blue Knights - JV Boys 4:30 PM, Varsity Girls 6:00 PM

  • Sat 12/21 - CBA Games at LCA - JV Girls 9:00 AM, 6th-8th Boys 10:00 AM, JV Boys 11:00 AM

  • Sat 12/28 - 6th-8th grade boys Practice/Scrimmage at LCA - 10:00 AM -12:30 PM

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  Isaiah 9:6  NIV


Friday Facts 12/13/24


Thurs, Dec 19…………………..….………..… NOON DISMISSAL - No Hot Lunch
Fri, Dec 20…………………………………….... NOON DISMISSAL - No Aftercare 
Mon, Dec 23 - Fri, Jan 3….………..…... Christmas Break
Mon, Dec 23 - Fri, Jan 10…………….… Spirit Wear Online Store Open
Mon, Jan 6…………………………………….... NO SCHOOL - Teacher PD (all day)
Tues, Jan 7………..……………….………….… Students return to school
Fri, Jan 17…………….………………………..… PTO Pizza
Fri, April 4 …………………….……..………... SAVE THE DATE – “Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction


Noon Dismissals - Thurs, Dec 19 is a noon dismissal for students.  There will be no hot lunch served that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care. 
** Please note - There will be NO AFTERCARE on Friday, Dec. 20.  

Service Hours Opportunity - Our 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Jami Jaeger, has been out for several months due to injuries sustained in a car accident.  We have missed her!  Mrs. Jaeger may be returning to LCA in early January, but she will be unable to navigate the stairs to her room while she continues her rehab.  For this reason, we are moving her classroom to an upstairs location, and this will be a big job.  Next Thursday, December 19, from 12:30 - 3:00 p.m., we will be moving Mrs. Jaeger's classroom, and we will need help.  If your student or family needs service hours and you would like to be a blessing to Mrs. Jaeger, please join us in helping her.  We need many bodies, including some strong backs to help carry heavy items up the stairs.  If you are able to help, please let us know so we know how many to expect.  You can call the office or email Dr. Jim Kerr at  We also ask that you continue to pray for Mrs. Jaeger during her recovery. 

Open Position - LCA has an opening for a full-time nurse beginning in January.  To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

Secondary Finals - Our secondary students will be taking finals on December 18th-20th.  Here is a link to the schedule for finals:  Secondary Finals Schedule

Spirit Wear Orders - The online store will be open December 23 - January 10, 2025.  Click HERE to order.  Orders will be distributed at school late January.  Please call Mike at Admark with any questions:  636-887-4870

Dinner Auction -  The theme for this year’s Dinner Auction is “Raising Warriors”.   Each class will be making a themed basket for the auction.  Please click on this link to see what is needed and to sign up for individual items:  Auction Baskets - SignUp .  If you would like to earn service hours, help is also needed doing solicitations.  This can be done at home.  If you are interested in helping, please send an email to for more information and instructions on how to help.  We are so grateful for your help with the auction!

Side by Side Raffle - We are halfway to our goal of selling 400 tickets.  Please keep passing the word about this raffle!  The LCA Board needs your help to make an enclosed walkway between our buildings a reality.  We have physical raffle tickets available at school.  If you would like a few raffle tickets to sell, please stop by the athletic office to pick them up.

 2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar available HERE 

 Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Sporting Events – Basketball games

Sat, Dec 14:  6th-8th Boys Scrimmage at 10:00 AM at HOME 
Mon, Dec 16:  AWAY games at Living Water Academy - JV Girls @ 5:30 PM with JV Boys following.
Thurs, Dec 19:  AWAY games at Mo Mavericks - JV Girls @ 5:00, 6th-8th Boys to follow.
Fri, Dec 20: HOME games vs. STL Blue Knights - JV Boys @ 4:30, followed by Varsity Girls.
Sat, Dec 21:  CBA Games (HOME) - JV Girls @ 9:00 AM, 6th-8th Boys @ 10:00 am, and JV Boys @ 11:00 AM 

Come, let us worship and bow down.  Let us kneel before the Lord our maker.  Psalms 95:6 NLT


Friday Facts 12/6/24

Tues, Dec 10………………….....………......….…….. PTO Meeting at 6:30 PM
Thurs, Dec 19…………………..……...……….......… NOON DISMISSAL - No Hot Lunch
Fri, Dec 20……………………...........…………….…... NOON DISMISSAL - No Aftercare 
Mon, Dec 23 - Fri, Jan 3…....……….…............ Christmas Break
Mon, Jan 6…………………………….....…………....... NO SCHOOL - Teacher PD (all day)
Tues, Jan 7………..……………………………...…....... Students return to school
Fri, April 4………..........……………………………….. SAVE THE DATE – “Raising Warriors” Dinner Auction



Noon Dismissals - Thurs, Dec 19 is a noon dismissal for students.  There will be no hot lunch served that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care. 
** Please note - there will be no aftercare on Friday, Dec. 20.  

Christmas Program - Thank you for joining us for our 20th Annual Christmas Program.  We hope you enjoyed the program with added specials and a puppet show.  If you were unable to attend the performance, but would still like to bless the LCA staff, you can do so through your FACTS account or by using the following link to make a secure donation: Staff Christmas Bonus

Open Position - LCA has an opening for a full-time nurse beginning in January.  To apply, please fill out the Support Staff Application found on our website and email it to Mr. Smith at

FAFSA Night - On Wednesday, December 11, LCA will be hosting a FAFSA night for all parents of seniors (and juniors who may want to take college courses early).  Parents will be able to fill out the FAFSA that evening under the direction of Mrs. Kim Jansen, who earlier in the year met with parents to discuss college and career planning.  We will begin at 6:00 PM, and parents will need their 2023 Tax Return Documents as well as a FAFSA ID, which you can create in advance by going on the FAFSA webpage.  Parents can either bring their own computers or we will have a Chromebook available.  

Secondary Finals - Our secondary students will be taking finals on December 18-20.  Here is a link to the schedule for finals:  Secondary Finals Schedule

Dinner Auction -  Preparations are underway for our Annual Dinner Auction.  This year’s theme is “Raising Warriors”, and the auction will take place on Friday, April 4, 2025.  Each class will be making a themed basket for the auction.  Please click on this link to see what is needed for each basket and to sign up for individual items:  Auction Baskets - SignUp.  If you would like a donation receipt, please be sure to complete the attached form and send it in with your donations.  Donation Form

Help is also needed doing solicitations if you would like to earn service hours.  This can be done from home.  If you are interested in helping, please send an email to for more information and instructions on how to help.  We are so grateful for your help with the auction!

Side by Side Raffle - The LCA Board needs your help to make an enclosed walkway between our buildings a reality.  Together we can make this fundraiser a powerful success!  Rather than sending home raffle tickets with each student as we had intended, we have decided to make the physical raffle tickets available at school.  If you would like a few physical raffle tickets to sell, please stop by the athletic office to pick them up.  

2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar available HERE

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Sporting Events – Basketball games

  • Tues, Dec 10:  Home Game vs. Crosspoint - 6th-8th Grade Boys at 4:30 PM, Varsity Girls 5:45 PM, Varsity Boys 7:15 PM

  • Thurs, Dec 12:  Away Game at Thomas Jefferson - Varsity Girls 4:00 PM, Varsity Boys 5:30 PM 

  • Fri, Dec 13:  Away Game at Wellsville - Varsity Girls 5:30 PM, Varsity Boys 7:00 PM 

  • Sat, Dec 14:  6th-8th Boys Scrimmage at 10:00 AM at HOME 

  • Sat, Dec 14:  Away Game at Canaan Baptist Academy - JV Boys at 12:00 PM

We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.  God is love, and all who live in love, live in God, and God lives in them.  1 John 4:16 NLT


Friday Facts 11/29/24


Tues, Dec 3 - Mon, Dec 9……….……..… LCA Christmas Store - 8:30 - 10:30 AM
Tues, Dec 3…………………………….……..…… HOME Basketball Games starting at 4:15 PM
Weds, Dec 4……………………..…………...….. NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD Day
Fri, Dec 6……………………………………...…... PTO Pizza 
Fri, Dec 6……………………………..…..……….. Christmas Program begins at 6:30 PM
Tues, Dec 10…………………….……..…….…... PTO Meeting at 6:30 PM
Thurs, Dec 19……………………….....……..… NOON DISMISSAL - No Hot Lunch
Fri, Dec 20……………………….…………….….. NOON DISMISSAL - No Aftercare 
Mon, Dec 23 - Tues, Jan 7……….………. Christmas Break


Noon Dismissals - Weds, Dec 4 and Thurs, Dec 19 are noon dismissals for students.  There will be no hot lunch on those days.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care.  ** Please note - there will be no aftercare on Friday, Dec. 20.  

PTO Pizza – See separate email to order. LCA Hot Lunch will not be served on PTO Pizza day.  Please double check to make sure pizza has been ordered for your child(ren) if needed. 

Christmas Program - We would like to invite you to our 20th Annual Christmas production on Friday, December 6th, at 6:30 PM.  Come hear the angelic voices of our LCA students as they present an original program, listen to the musical talents of our instrumental students, and witness special programming from some middle school students. While you are here, don’t forget to stop & shop with your students at the PTO Christmas Store.  

At the Christmas program, you will be given an opportunity to monetarily say “Thank you” to the LCA staff.  We will be taking a love offering to show our appreciation for their love and sacrifice to the ministry of LCA.  If you are unable to attend the performance, but would still like to bless the LCA staff, you can do so through your FACTS account or by using the following link to make a secure donation: Staff Christmas Bonus

Christmas Store - The LCA Christmas Store will be open from Dec 3-9.  The Christmas store gives students the opportunity to purchase gifts for the people on their Christmas list.  Students will have time to shop with their class during school.  Parents can shop with their student(s) after the Christmas program on Dec. 6th. For more information click here:  Christmas Store 2024 

Dinner Auction -  Preparations are underway for our Annual Dinner Auction which will take place on Friday, April 4, 2025.  Each class will be making a themed basket for the auction.  Please click on this link to see what is needed for each basket and to sign up for individual items:  Auction Baskets - Items Needed

If you would like to earn service hours, help is also needed doing solicitations.  This can be done at home.  If you are interested in helping, please send an email to for more information and instructions on how to help.  We are so grateful for your help with the auction this and every year!

Side by Side Raffle - The LCA Board needs your help to make an enclosed walkway between our buildings a reality.  Together we can make this fundraiser a powerful success!  Students will be bringing home a few raffle tickets to sell.  If each student sells 2 raffle tickets we will hit our target.  Please return any SOLD tickets along with money collected to LCA to be entered in the drawing.  

Trivia Night - The Senior Class of 2025 is hosting a Christmas themed trivia night on Saturday, Dec. 7 starting at 6:00 PM.  Mark your calendars and rally your trivia buddies for an unforgettable night of fun!  Proceeds will benefit the Senior Missions trip.  Trivia Night

Toy Drive – We are again joining our local community sponsors in collecting toys to bless those children in our community who are less fortunate at Christmas.  Please bring your unwrapped toys and games to the barrel across from the school office.  The barrels will be here the evening of the Christmas program if you wish to bring in items that evening.  They will be collected on Monday, Dec. 9. 

2024-25 One Page (Updated) Calendar available HERE 

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Sporting Events – Basketball games

  • Monday, Dec 2:  Away Game at Chamois High School - Varsity Boys play at 6:30 PM

  • Tuesday, Dec 3:  HOME Game vs. CAGSL - 6th-8th Grade Boys at 4:15 PM, Varsity Girls 5:30 PM, Varsity Boys 7:00 PM 

  • Thursday, Dec 5:  Away Game at CFS - JV Boys at 4:30 PM, Varsity Girls 5:45 PM, Varsity Boys 7:15 PM 

  • Saturday, Dec 7:  CBA Games at Home - 6th-8th Boys at 9:00 AM, JV Boys at 10:00 AM

Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Philippians 4:6


Friday Facts 11/22/24


Weds-Fri, Nov 27-29………….…..….. Thanksgiving Break
Tues, Dec 3 - Mon, Dec 9………….… LCA Christmas Store - 8:30 - 10:30 AM
Weds, Dec 4…………….…….……….……... NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD Day
Fri, Dec 6…………………………………..…... PTO Pizza 
Fri, Dec 6…………………………………..…... Christmas Program at 6:30 PM
Tues, Dec 10…………………………….…….. PTO Meeting at 6:30 PM
Thurs, Dec 19………………..………..……… NOON DISMISSAL - No Hot Lunch
Fri, Dec 20…………………………..….……... NOON DISMISSAL - No Aftercare 
Fri, Dec. 20……………………….………….… Finals 9-12th grades
Mon, Dec 23 - Tues, Jan 7……….….. Christmas Break - NO SCHOOL


- Wednesday, Dec. 18 will be a full day of school.
- Thursday, Dec. 19 will be a ½ day for ALL students.  (Staff will work a full day.) 
- Friday, Dec. 20 will be a ½ day for students and staff. 
- Finals for secondary students will be on Dec. 19 and 20.

Noon Dismissal - Thursday, Dec. 19 is a noon dismissal for all students.  There will be no hot lunch that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care.  Please note - there will be no aftercare on Friday, Dec. 20.  

Side by Side Raffle - The LCA Board needs your help to make an enclosed walkway between our buildings a reality.  Together we can make this fundraiser a powerful success!  Students will bringing home some Side by Side Raffle tickets to sell.  Please return any SOLD tickets along with money collected to LCA to be entered in the drawing.  Any tickets not sold can be discarded as they will not be entered in the raffle until they are returned.  If each student sold 2 raffle tickets we would hit our target. 

- Click here for more info and a QR code to enter:  Side by Side Raffle Info
- Click here to purchase tickets online:  Side by Side Raffle - Purchase Tickets     

Homecoming 2024 – Thanks to all the parents, staff and students who made Homecoming a great success. Congratulations to our King & Queen: Clinton Queen & Lauren Moss.

Food Drive – Congrats to 3rd grade for bringing in the most cans per student, and winning the contest.  They will enjoy a pizza lunch followed by our annual Dodgeball Game against the WC Firemen.  The WC Fire Department took nearly 9 full barrels to the Food Pantry for delivery.  Our 9th graders and a few 3rd graders were able to serve at the pantry that day.  

BreakDown STL - The performance was a very powerful experience for our students. It addressed many relevant cultural issues facing today’s teens.  We pray that your student was able to share their thoughts/takeaways from the performance with you.  The BreakDown STL organization relies heavily on individual donations.  Please consider supporting them if you are so inclined. 
- Click here to donate:  BreakDown STL Donation

Christmas Program - We hope you will join us Friday, December 6 at 6:30 PM for our annual Christmas Program. You won’t want to miss this year’s program!  Students should wear festive Christmas attire and should go to their classrooms at 6:00 PM.

Trivia Night - The Senior Class of 2025 is hosting a Christmas themed trivia night on Saturday, Dec. 7 starting at 6:00 PM.  Mark your calendars and rally your trivia buddies for an unforgettable night of fun.  Proceeds will benefit the Senior Mission trip.  Trivia Night

Toy Drive – We are again joining our local community sponsors in collecting toys to bless those children in our community who are less fortunate at Christmas.  Please bring your unwrapped toys and games to the barrel across from the school office.  The barrels will be here the evening of the Christmas program if you wish to bring in an item that evening. 

 2024-25 One Page Calendar available HERE.  

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Basketball Games

  • Tuesday, Nov 26:  HOME Game vs. Quincy Saints - 6th-8th Grade Boys play at 5:30 PM - Varsity Boys play at 6:30 PM

  • Monday, Dec 2:  Away Game vs. Chamois High School - Varsity Boys play at 6:30 PM

  • Tuesday, Dec 3:  HOME Game vs. CAGSL - 6th-8th Grade Boys at 4:15 PM, Varsity Girls 5:30 PM, Varsity Boys 7:00 PM 

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.  Proverbs 18:10 NIV


Friday Facts 11/15/24

Tues, Nov 19…………………………..……... Breakdown STL Presentation
Thurs, Nov 21………………….……….……. Open Board Meeting
Weds-Fri, Nov 27-29…………….….… Thanksgiving Break
Weds, Dec 4………….…………………..….… NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD Day
Fri, Dec 6…………………………………….…. PTO Pizza 
Fri, Dec 6…………………………………….…. Christmas Program at 6:30 PM
Tues, Dec 10…………………………….….…. PTO Meeting at 6:30 PM
Thurs-Fri, Dec 19-20…………………... NOON DISMISSAL ALL GRADES - Finals 9-12th grades
Mon, Dec 23 - Tues, Jan 7……………. Christmas Break


Wednesday, Dec. 18 will be a full day of school.
Thursday, Dec. 19 will be a ½ day for ALL students.  (Staff will work a full day.) 
Friday, Dec. 20 will be a ½ day for students and staff. 
Finals for secondary students will be on Dec. 19 and 20.

Side by Side Raffle - The LCA Board is conducting a fundraising effort to enclose the front walkway between our two buildings, but we need your help to make this a reality.  Please share that with as many others as you can; additionally, students will be coming home with cards to hand out to family, friends, and neighbors.  Together, let’s make this fundraiser a powerful success!  Click here for more info and a QR code to enter:  Side by Side Raffle

Auction Meeting - There will be an auction meeting on Monday, 11/18, at 3:00 PM.  We will be stuffing envelopes and discussing the baskets that will be made for the auction.  We appreciate any help you can give.  You will receive service hours for helping. 

BreakDown STL - Breakdown St. Louis will be conducting an assembly for our 6th-12th grade students on Tuesday, Nov 19.  This assembly is both part of our concerted efforts to address the mental health needs of students, and one that contains very powerful messages about big topics.  Please fill out and return the Opt Out Form if you do not want your student to participate on the 19th.  If we do not receive an opt out form, your 6-12 grade student(s) will attend.  

Trivia Night - The Senior Class of 2025 is hosting a Christmas themed trivia night on Saturday, Dec. 7 starting at 6:00 PM.  Mark your calendars and rally your trivia buddies for an unforgettable night of fun!  Proceeds will benefit the Senior Missions trip.  Trivia Night

Canned Food Drive -  Our canned food drive officially ends on Tuesday, 11/19, so bring those canned goods to your class so we can be a blessing to those in need.  The winning class will have a pizza party compliments of the fire department and will compete against them in our annual dodgeball game.  

Toy Drive – We are also again joining our local community sponsors in collecting toys to bless those children in our community who are less fortunate at Christmas.  Please bring your unwrapped toys and games to the barrel across from the school office.  

Thank you! – We would like to thank the LCA family for all the generous donations.  The Wilcoxsons have been overwhelmed by everyone pitching in to help their family!  Ginger will begin her medical treatment on December 5 and 6 thanks to everyone here!

2024-25 One Page Calendar available HERE.  

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Basketball Games
Tuesday, Nov 19:  HOME Game vs. Providence -
Varsity Girls play at 5:30 PM - Varsity Boys play at 7:00 PM
Friday, Nov 22:  Away Game vs. Veritas -
JV Boys at 4:15 PM, Varsity Girls at 5:30, and Varsity Boys play at 7:00 PM

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:19 NIV


Friday Facts 11/8/24


Sat, Nov 9 …………………….……… Fall Sports Awards at 6:00 PM
Mon, Nov 11………………………….. Veterans Day
Tues, Nov 12………………….……… Picture Retake Day & Sports Pictures
Weds, Nov 13………………………... Progress Reports Due
Fri, Nov 15……………………….…… Homecoming Games, King & Queen Coronation at 5:15 PM
Sat, Nov 16………………………..…. Homecoming Activity for 9th-12th
Tues, Nov 19…………………………. Breakdown STL Presentation
Thurs, Nov 21…………………..….. Open Board Meeting
Weds-Fri, Nov 27-29…………. Thanksgiving Break
Weds, Dec 4……………………….…. NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD Day
Fri, Dec 6………………………….….. PTO Pizza 
Fri, Dec 6………………………….….. Christmas Program


NEXT WEEK IS SPIRIT WEEK!!  Click here for each day’s theme:  Spirit Week

Veterans Day - Grades 3 - 12 have written essays for Veterans Day.  One winning essay will be selected from each group: 3rd-6th, 7th -8th, and 9th-12th.  Students in Grades 3-12 will be parading to Diekroeger Brothers Park in Wright City on Monday, November 11th. All branches of the military will be honored.  Dr. Kerr is handling the details and has sent home information.  If you have additional questions, please email Dr. Kerr at

Picture Retakes & Sports Pictures - On Tues, Nov 12, the photographers will be here taking photos for the yearbook. Students should wear LCA unified dress for these photos.  If your child is a new student, or if they did not get a picture taken on October 1st, they will need to have their photo taken.  If they did get photos in October, and you would like a retake, please be sure to return the first set of pictures.  Use order code 87183SD to order online  Photos of the sports teams will be taken at 2:00 PM. 

Homecoming Activities - The Homecoming Court Coronation will take place at 5:15 PM on Friday, Nov 15, followed by the varsity basketball games.  The Homecoming Activities will take place on Saturday, Nov 16, starting at 6:00 PM.  Click here for more details:  Homecoming 2024

BreakDown STL - Breakdown St. Louis will be conducting an assembly for our 6th-12th grade students on Tuesday, Nov 19.  This assembly is both part of our concerted efforts to address the mental health needs of students, and one that contains very powerful messages about big topics.  The messaging is Gospel centered and uses a number of media to impact students.  The assembly will begin at 9:45 a.m. and is about 100 minutes long.  We welcome parents/families to come in that day and sit in on the assembly.  

We encourage you to explore the Breakdown St. Louis website and read about the organization and the presentation.  Please fill out and return the Opt Out Form if you do not want your student to participate on the 19th.  If we do not receive an opt out form, your 6-12 grade student(s) will attend.  

Side by Side Raffle - The LCA Board is conducting a fundraising effort to enclose the front walkway between our two buildings, but we need your help to make this a reality.  Please share that with as many others as you can; additionally, students will be coming home with cards to hand out to family, friends, and neighbors.  Together, let’s make this fundraiser a powerful success!  Click here for more info and a QR code to enter:  Side by Side Raffle

PTO Fundraiser - Our Thompson Farm Soups & More fundraiser is going on now through Nov. 30th.  A flier and order forms were sent home with your students.  The top 3 sellers will receive Amazon gift cards.  Please refer to this flier for more info.  Thompson Farm Fundraiser

Canned Food Drive -  We are partnering again with the WC Fire Department to collect canned goods for our local food pantry.  The winning class will have a pizza party compliments of the fire department and will compete against them in our annual dodgeball game.  So bring those canned goods to your class so we can be a blessing to those in need.  

Toy Drive – We are also again joining our local community sponsors in collecting toys to bless those children in our community who are less fortunate at Christmas.  Please bring your unwrapped toys and games to the barrel across from the school office.  

Fundraiser – We would like to bless our new LCA kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Anna Wilcoxson and her family.  The Wilcoxson family has been faced with some overwhelming medical needs for their daughter, Ginger.  Because of your generosity we are over halfway to our goal of $5,500 for a life-changing treatment.  Please click here if you are able to help.  Wilcoxson Family Fundraiser

2024-25 One Page Calendar available HERE.

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Basketball Home Games
Monday, Nov 11: The 6th-8th Grade boys will play the JV boys at 5:30 PM - Varsity Boys play at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, Nov 12:  Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM and Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM
Friday, Nov 15:  Homecoming - Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM and Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.  Romans 12:10 NIV


Friday Facts - 11/1/24


Mon, Nov 4………………………….…..…… Canned Food Drive Begins
Mon & Tues, Nov 4 & 5 …….….…….. Christian Ventriloquist & Musician 
Tues, Nov 5………………….…..…………… Election Day
Weds, Nov 6……...…………..……..… NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD Day
Fri, Nov 8……………………….……..….…... PTO Pizza
Mon, Nov 11……………….….……………….. Veterans Day
Tues, Nov 12…………….…….……….……… Picture Retake & Sports Pictures
Weds, Nov 13……………….……….………... Progress Reports Due
Fri, Nov 15…………………….…….…….….… Homecoming Basketball Games
Sat, Nov 16………………..………….……..…. Homecoming Activity
Tues, Nov 19………………………….….……. Breakdown STL Presentation
Thurs, Nov 21……………………….…..…….. Open Board Meeting
Weds-Fri, Nov 27-29………….….….…. Thanksgiving Break


Side by Side Raffle - The LCA Board is conducting a fundraising effort to enclose the front walkway between our two buildings, but we need your help to make this a reality.  Attached is the flier for the Side by Side Raffle.  Please share that with as many others as you can; additionally, students will be coming home with cards to hand out to family, friends, and neighbors.  Together, let’s make this fundraiser a powerful success! Click here to order tickets:  Side by Side Raffle

Noon Dismissal - Wednesday, Nov. 6th is a noon dismissal for all students.  There will be no hot lunch that day.  Please call the office to let us know if your child will be in after care.  

Canned Food Drive - On Mon Nov. 4, we will kick off the LCA annual canned food drive.  Members of the Wright City Fire Department will be onsite to help ramp up excitement and to deliver barrels for classrooms.  The canned food drive will benefit the local Wright City Food Pantry and will go from Nov. 4th - 19th.  The winning team/classroom will both get a pizza party and will play members of the Fire Department in a game of dodgeball.  Please be prepared to go through your cabinets or head to the store to find canned foods (not expired) that will benefit others. 

Christian Ventriloquist & Musician - On Mon & Tues Nov. 4th & 5th, from 8:15 -9:00 am, Doug Mickan, a Christian ventriloquist and musician will be visiting our 3rd - 6th grade students in the gym.  He will visit with PK - 2nd grade in their classrooms. 

Election Day - Tues. Nov 5th is election day.  The Wright City Immanuel Church of Christ will be a polling place during Tuesday’s election.  Drop off will proceed as normal, but it may be a little crowded getting in and out may be a challenge.  

In order to improve traffic flow and ease congestion during pickup, please do not turn left into the parking lot.  We are asking that you circle through the cemetery and then enter the parking lot using a right turn.  Student drivers will not be able to park in the church parking lot that day.  We request that all students park in the back lot nearest the playground.  We will modify recess for our students that day.  A map with a diagram is attached for your reference.

PTO Pizza – See separate email to order. LCA Hot Lunch will not be served on PTO Pizza day.

Veterans Day - Grades 3 - 12 will be writing essays for For Veterans Day.  One winning essay will be selected from each group: 3rd-6th, 7th -8th, and 9th-12th.  Students in Grades 3-12 will be parading to Diekroeger Brothers Park in Wright City on Monday, November 11th. All branches of the military will be honored.  Dr. Kerr is handling the details and has sent home information.  If you have additional questions, please email Dr. Kerr at

Spirit Wear – Spirit Wear orders will be delivered mid-November.  We have also been blessed with a number of used items.  We have some t-shirts, long sleeve T-s, hoodies, zip-up sweatshirts, and even a few pairs of pants/skirts.  Most are size S or M.  Please feel free to stop by the athletic office and see what we have.

Fundraiser – We would like to bless our new LCA kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Anna Wilcoxson and her family.  The Wilcoxson family has been faced with some overwhelming medical needs for their daughter, Ginger.  Because of your generosity we are over halfway to our goal of $5,500 for a life-changing treatment.  Please click here if you are able to help.  Wilcoxson Family Fundraiser

2024-25 One Page Calendar available HERE.

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Basketball Home Games
Monday, Nov 11:  Varsity Boys at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, Nov 12: Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM and Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM
Friday, Nov 15:  Homecoming - Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM and Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM

If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God.  1 John 4:15 NIV 


Friday Facts - 10/25/24

Mon, Oct 28…………….……..……. Basketball Practice Starts
Weds, Nov 6…………….……… NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD Day
Fri, Nov 8…………………….…….... PTO Pizza
Tues, Nov 12…………………..…… Picture Retake & Sports Pictures
Fri, Nov 15…………………..….…… Homecoming Basketball Games
Sat, Nov 16……………..…….…….. Homecoming Activity 
Weds-Fri, Nov 27-29…….…. Thanksgiving Break


Noon Dismissal - Wednesday, Nov. 6th is a noon dismissal for all students. 

- On November 13, LCA will host a FAFSA night, where families, under guidance from a trained counselor, can fill out the FAFSA on site while learning more about its importance and necessity.  Senior parents whose students are planning to attend a postsecondary training or academic institution are strongly encouraged to attend.  Junior parents curious about what's next are welcome as well.

Spirit Wear Orders – The online store will be open until November 1.  These items will be distributed at school mid-November. Click here to order:  Order Spirit Wear 

Fundraiser – We would like to bless our new LCA kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Anna Wilcoxson and her family.  The Wilcoxson family has been faced with some overwhelming medical needs for their daughter, Ginger.  Would you help us raise $5,500 for a life-changing treatment?  Wilcoxson Family Fundraiser

2024-25 One Page Calendar available HERE.

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Basketball Home Games
Monday, Nov 11:  JV Boys at 5:30 PM and Varsity Boys at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, Nov 12:  Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM and Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM
Friday, Nov 15:  Homecoming - Varsity Girls at 6:00 PM and Varsity Boys at 7:30 PM

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.  Proverbs 16:3 NIV


Friday Facts - 10/18/24


Weds, Oct 23………………... Athletes Leave for Joplin After School
Fri, Oct 25……………...… NO SCHOOL Pk-12 - Joplin
Weds, Nov 6……………… NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD Day
Fri, Nov 8…………………….. PTO Pizza
Tues, Nov 12………………… Picture Retake & Sports Pictures
Fri, Nov 15…………………… Homecoming Basketball Games
Sat, Nov 16…….…………….. Homecoming Activity 


Alumni Volleyball Game – Please come and help us celebrate Liberty Christian Academy’s 20th anniversary this Saturday evening, Oct 19th, with an alumni vs. varsity volleyball game. Game time is 5:00 PM. Please contact Gina Nelsen in the athletic office at 636-745-0388 if you have any questions or to sign up!

Noon Dismissal - Thursday, Oct. 24th is a noon dismissal for all students.  Please note that there will not be any after care available on those days.

Bible Fair - As many of you may have heard, 1st grade teacher Mrs. Jami Jaeger was recently in an automobile accident.  She is recovering but is still not at school with us.  We ask that the LCA family be praying for her healing during this time. 

Due to the absence of Mrs. Jaeger, who spearheads our annual Bible Fair, we are postponing the Bible Fair until later in the year.  The Bible Fair is an important part of the culture of LCA, and we value it.  We also are so thankful for Mrs. Jaeger, whose passion for it and desire to orchestrate it well make it such an amazing event.  We truly do not want her to miss out on this so will be rescheduling it once we know more.

FAFSA Night - On November 13, LCA will host a FAFSA night, where families, under guidance from a trained counselor, can fill out the FAFSA on site while learning more about its importance and necessity.  Senior parents whose students are planning to attend a postsecondary training or academic institution are strongly encouraged to attend.  Junior parents curious about what's next are welcome as well.

Spirit Wear Orders – The online store will be open from October 14 - November 1.  These items will be distributed at school mid-November. Click here to order:  Order Spirit Wear 

Fundraiser – We are kicking off a fundraising campaign to bless our new LCA kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Anna Wilcoxson and her family. The Wilcoxson family has been faced with some overwhelming medical needs for their daughter, Ginger.  Would you help us raise $5,500 for a life-changing treatment?  Wilcoxson Family Fundraiser

2024-25 One Page Calendar available HERE.

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be fulfilled.  Matthew 5:8 NIV


Friday Facts - 10/11/24


Tues, Oct 15 …………………….……….… ACT Testing (Juniors and Seniors)
Thurs, Oct 17……………………...… NOON DISMISSAL – NO AFTERCARE
          ………………………….……… Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fri, Oct 18 ……………………….…... NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences
         ……………………………….… JV & Varsity Game at STL Ignite - 5:00 pm
Weds, Oct 23……………………………… Athletes Leave for Joplin After School
Thurs, Oct 24……………………….. NOON DISMISSAL - NO AFTERCARE
Fri, Oct 25…………..……………..…. NO SCHOOL Pk-12 - Joplin
Weds, Nov 6…………………………. NOON DISMISSAL - Teacher PD Day
Fri, Nov 8………………………..………….. PTO Pizza
Tues, Nov 12…………………….………… Picture Retake & Sports Pictures


Parent/Teacher Conferences – Parent Teacher conferences will be October 17th & 18th.  Please use this link to sign up if you haven’t already done so.  P/T Conference SignUp

Noon Dismissal - Thursdays, Oct. 17th and Oct. 24th are both noon dismissal for all students.  Please note that there will not be any after care available on those days.

Bible Fair
- As many of you may have heard, 1st grade teacher Mrs. Jami Jaeger was recently in an automobile accident.  She is recovering but is still not at school with us.  We ask that the LCA family be praying for her healing during this time. 

Due to the absence of Mrs. Jaeger, who spearheads our annual Bible Fair, we are postponing the Bible Fair until later in the year.  The Bible Fair is an important part of the culture of LCA, and we value it.  We also are so thankful for Mrs. Jaeger, whose passion for it and desire to orchestrate it well make it such an amazing event.  We truly do not want her to miss out on this so will be rescheduling it once we know more.

Is your Junior or Senior planning on attending a postsecondary institution?  - On Oct. 17th, beginning at 6:00 p.m., LCA will host the first of two family/parent nights to better help prepare families/students for postsecondary plans.  On October 17, information will be presented about the college application process, postsecondary institution planning and selection, and attaining scholarships.  

FAFSA Night - On November 13, LCA will host a FAFSA night, where families, under guidance from a trained counselor, can fill out the FAFSA on site while learning more about its importance and necessity.  Senior parents whose students are planning to attend a postsecondary training or academic institution are strongly encouraged to attend.  Junior parents curious about what's next are welcome as well.

Parent Survey – Thank you to all the parents and families who have filled out the feedback survey.  We appreciate you taking the time to do so and are currently evaluating the feedback to see how we can continue to provide an excellent education for students and studying how we can continue to grow and improve. If you have not taken the survey, here is the link:  Parent Feedback Survey

Alumni Volleyball Game – In celebration of Liberty Christian Academy’s 20th anniversary, we will be hosting an alumni vs. varsity volleyball game on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024.  Please contact Gina Nelsen in the athletic office at 636-745-0388 to sign up!  PLEASE NOTE: Game time is 5:00 PM.

Boys Basketball Meeting - There will be a brief pre-season meeting on Monday, Oct. 14, at 6:00 PM, for parents of boys in 6th - 12th grade who would like to play basketball. 

Athletics Home Games – Note that the home field for soccer is at the Warrenton Athletic Complex on Hickory Lick Rd. 

Tues, Oct 15 - JV & Varsity Volleyball vs. the Panthers - 5:00 pm - SENIOR NIGHT
Tues, Oct 15 - Boys Soccer vs. Gateway Legacy - 5:00 pm
Friday, Oct 18 - Boys Soccer vs. United Home School - 5:00 pm - SENIOR NIGHT

Spirit Wear Orders – The online store will be open from October 14 - November 1.  These items will be distributed at school mid-November. Please go to the LCA website to order once the store opens.  

Fundraiser – We are kicking off a fundraising campaign to bless our new LCA kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Anna Wilcoxson and her family. The Wilcoxson family has been faced with some overwhelming medical needs for their daughter, Ginger.  Would you help us raise $5,500 for a life-changing treatment?  Wilcoxson Family Fundraiser

2024-25 One Page Calendar available HERE.

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.  Proverbs 16:3 NIV


Friday Facts - 10/4/24


Tues, Oct 8…………………….………….. JV & Varsity Volleyball Away Game
Fri, Oct 12 & Sat Oct 13…….………. MAC Tournament - Varsity Volleyball & Soccer
Thurs, Oct 10…………………….… End of 1st Quarter
Fri, Oct 11………………………………..... PTO Pizza
Tues, Oct 15 ……………………………… ACT Testing (Juniors and Seniors)
Thurs, Oct 17……………………….….… Noon Dismissal – NO AFTERCARE
          ………………………………… Parent/Teacher Conferences
         ……………………………...… Bible Fair
Fri, Oct 18 …………………………...…... NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences
          …………………………...…… Bible Fair
Weds, Oct 23………………………..…… Athletes Leave for Joplin After School
Thurs, Oct 24………………….…..…… Noon Dismissal 
Fri, Oct 25…………………………...……. No School 


Parent Survey – We ask that parents/guardians please complete this feedback survey:  Parent Feedback Survey  In addition, please check out the attached presentation Mr. Smith made to the LCA Board last week. This is what parents/families should expect from LCA.

Golf Tournament – A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to all who helped make the Golf Tournament a success!  We raised $20,000 for our Flexible Tuition program!  

Parent/Teacher Conferences – Parent Teacher conferences will be October 17th & 18th.  Be on the lookout for an e-mail next week with a link to sign up.

Bible Fair – LCA’s 5th Annual Bible Fair is October 17th Please click on the linked brochure for more info.  Bible Fair Brochure

Alumni Volleyball Game – In celebration of Liberty Christian Academy’s 20th anniversary, we will be hosting an alumni vs. varsity volleyball game on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024.  We hope you can come out and help us celebrate this milestone for the school.  If you are an LCA graduate and you would like to play, please contact Gina Nelsen in the athletic office at 636-745-0388 to sign up.  PLEASE NOTE: The game time has been changed to 5:00 PM.

PTO Pizza Lunch Fundraiser – The PTO will be serving pizza next Friday, Oct.11.  Remember that PTO Pizza is available only by pre-ordering, and the LCA hot lunch program is NOT available on PTO Pizza days. 

 Athletics Home Games – Note that the home field for soccer is at the Warrenton Athletic Complex on Hickory Lick Rd. There are no home games this week. 

Fundraiser – We are kicking off a fundraising campaign to bless new LCA kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Anna Wilcoxson and her family. The Wilcoxson family has been faced with some overwhelming medical needs for their daughter, Ginger.  Would you help us raise $5,500 for a life-changing treatment?  Wilcoxson Family Fundraiser

2024-25 One Page Calendar available HERE.

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening – it’s painful!  But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way.  Hebrews 12:11 NLT


Friday Facts 9/20/24


Tues, Sept 24……………………….….. Soccer Game @ United Home School
Weds, Sept 25……………….……….… See You At The Pole
Thurs, Sept 26………………………… Open Board Meeting - 7:00 PM 
Sat, Sept 28.................................... SAVE THE DATE - LCA Golf Tournament
Tues, Oct 1……………………………….. Picture Day 
Weds, Oct 2…………………….….. Noon Dismissal - Teacher PD
Thurs, Oct 10…………………….… End of 1st Quarter
Fri, Oct 11……………………………….... PTO Pizza
Tues, Oct 15 ……………………….…… ACT Testing (Juniors and Seniors)
Thurs, Oct 17…………………………… Noon Dismissal – NO AFTERCARE
            ……………..…………… Parent/Teacher Conferences
           …………………………… Bible Fair
Fri, Oct 18 ………….……………….…... NO SCHOOL - Parent/Teacher Conferences
        …………..…………………… Bible Fair


SYATP – Meet us outside the main entrance of LCA on Wednesday, September 25 for the annual See You at the Pole event at 7:20 AM.  Join us as we stand united to pray for our nation, leaders, school and families.

Open Board Meeting -  The open board meeting on Thurs, 9/26, at 7:00 PM, will be held in the High School cafeteria.  If you have any items you would like to discuss with the board publicly or questions to ask the board, please send an email to Mr. Smith at by noon on Wednesday.  

Golf Tournament – The golf tournament is less than 2 weeks away!  This fundraiser is vital to our Flexible Tuition program, and we need everyone’s help to make it a success.  

  1. Gather your friends and sign up a team.  Teams can enroll until we reach our limit, but spots are filling up.  Sign up 

  2. Sign up to help using the following links:
    Donate a Dessert - Send in a dessert to be served at the dinner.
    Volunteer Sign Up -  Workers are needed to help on the day of the event. 
    Student Volunteer Sign Up - to be used for student volunteers only.
    Donations Needed - We are still needing donations for the golfer bags and prizes.  Golf balls are the most needed.  They do not have to be expensive balls - the cheapies are great! 

Picture Day – Picture day will be Tuesday, October 1.  Students should wear LCA unified dress for their yearbook photos.  If you would like to order early, please click HERE and use order code 81783KB.

Open Positions – We are in need of someone to stay after and help with aftercare for a portion of time.  We want to maintain a ratio of about 10:1 with students and teachers.  We typically get under that ratio by 4:15, so this position would work until that ratio is reached and then be free to leave.  If you are interested, please contact the school office for more information.

Athletics Home Games – Note that the home field for soccer is at the Warrenton Athletic Complex on Hickory Lick Rd.
Tuesday, Sept. 24 - JV & Varsity Volleyball starting at 5:00 PM

** The Athletic Department is looking to acquire another van.  If you know of anyone that has a 12 to 15 passenger van please let the Athletic office know, or contact Butch Clark directly at 314-799-3967.

Donations Needed - The high school construction class is in the process of rehabbing both locker rooms.  If you are willing to donate materials or funds for this important project, please contact Dr. Kerr and he will let you know the needs. 

2023-2024 Yearbooks - If you missed ordering a yearbook last year, it's not too late!  We have a few extras available for purchase.  They are $55 and can be billed to your FACTS account.  If you would like one, please click HERE to order.

Friday Dress Down - If you would like to pay your student’s $1 Friday dress down in full for the entire year, please sign up here:  Dress Down - Prepay for Entire Year

2024-25 One Page Calendar available HERE.

Prayer Request – We would love to pray for you with whatever is going on in your life. If you would like to submit a prayer request please click HERE.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.  Ephesians 4:29 NIV
